Dear Mariusz,
To ogromna przyjemność móc się wreszcie z Tobą spotkać!
We have prepared this comprehensive presentation explaining who we are, how we operate, why we love the business you have created, what feedback we have collected from your customers, how we are currently thinking about the health tech space… so many things! As we don't want to be repetitive, we will not be focusing on any of these topics in this letter.
This letter is about values – not only the values of the firm we represent, but also our values as individuals.
What we like the most about making investments is being able to become partners of truly extraordinary companies and their inspiring founders. The more we feel we can support and amplify the greatness of a founder CEO, the more excited we become about the opportunity to embark in their company journey. So, let's focus on why we feel that way with you – which is the fact that we share so many values with Docplanner (not to mention our professional experience in scaling companies to IPO and remaining invested years post IPO, our deep knowledge of your sector, but we have made the presentation to explain all of that 😉).
As individuals, we value:
Focusing on execution and on what really matters
Forget the shiny management teams that spend most of their time parading in news outlets rather than getting their hands dirty with product and strategy. Forget shiny investors who show up to founders unprepared and with no clue about what their company is about. There is no reason why a global champion cannot be based in Warsaw and Barcelona. "If there's a will, there's a way", some will say. "The credit belongs to the one who is actually in the arena", Theodore Roosevelt once said.
The strength that comes from international environments
We have been raised, studied, worked, or have family roots all across the globe. From Brazil to Poland, from Canada to France, from the US to Malaysia, all these places have made us global citizens who appreciate how leveraging multicultural environments can unlock the best of human energy and creativity.
The will to reduce friction in the healthcare system
Few companies have strong both economic and social impact. Simplifying the lives of doctors at work, empowering young doctors to start building their brands, unlocking access to quality care for patients – few are the players that can do this, at scale. We understand what this means, coming ourselves from families with doctors.
Honesty and trust
You can talk to us, and we will listen – we hold founders in the highest regards.
Being direct and straightforward
And that is why we feel comfortable saying that, based on everything we have heard so far from people close to the Docplanner galaxy, it looks like we do have values in common! 😊
Estamos aquí para ti!
Your AVP team